(Don't ask why I chose Blogger over Wordpress or the like, I don't know yet. Maybe because I could use my Google account to sign in...)
Here are the reasons why I decided to discard my old b2evolution installation:
- I am tired of the administration stuff (always upgrading to the latest patchlevel, database backups etc.)
- There seem to be no effective way to fight spam in b2evo (every time I enabled my blog for comments, I got tons of spam)
- Writing posts with b2evo is like coding in notepad on a 9" screen. I am missing either a rich text editor or third-party-tool support (like Live-Writer) here.
- Embedding images or sourcecode is cumbersome (at least I found no intuitive way of doing it)
The Migration
I found a very nice and easy solution for a (AFAIK) currently unsolved problem:
- Export the whole blog as Atom feed
- Transform the exported XML file to a Blogger-compatible style
- Upload the new file to Blogger
Step 1: XML Export
Go to the admin area of your block.
Change these settings on the "Blog settings" page, "Features" tab:
Feed contents: Full post contents
Posts in feeds: 9999
Ensure all posts have visibility "published".
Now exit to your blog, right-click the "Atom: Posts" link (in my case, the URL is http://bxm.at/blogs/java/?tempskin=_atom) and save the link as file (e.g. "b2evo.xml")
Step 2: XML Transformation
Not really a tranformation, but a bunch of cut-past-operations. Let's start with opening the "b2evo.xml" file in your favourite text editor:
- Replace the first two lines (i.e. the "xml" and "feed" tags) with the following:
- Replace the "generator" tag with
- Each "category" tag needs an additional "scheme" attribute:
- Within each "entry" tag, add an additional category:
You may also want to make some cosmetical changes, like removing blank lines or replacing codeblocks with a syntax highlighter.
Step 3: Blogger Import
This is the easiest part:
In the Blogger admin area of your blog, select "Settings" > "Other" > "Import blog" and upload the XML file. Now select all imported blog entries and publish them.
One final note:
As you see, this blog is currently empty. This is because - before publishing - I want to deal with the "cosmetical changes" part mentioned above...