(Apress 2006)
Very good book about Java performance testing. It gives you a really good idea about how to deal with performance problems, locate bottlenecks, setup loadtests, tune your applicationserver and so on.
High recommendation!
Special remarkable sections:
- Performance Testing Phases (Ch.2)
- Custom Instrumentation (Ch.3)
- Visualizing Data (Ch.3)
- Wait-Based Tuning Conclusions (Ch.6)
- Tuning Example (Ch.6)
- Tuning the JVM heap (Ch.7)
- Metric Analysis (Ch.10)
…and a few benchmarks:
- Typical heap usage: 70% of max heap size (p273)
- Major garbage collection: max twice an hour (p276)
- Thread pool usage: never above 80% (p281)
- Connection pool usage: between 50% and 70% (p283)
- Cache miss rate: (p284)
- >30%: resize the cache
- >60%: rethink caching stategy
- >90%: discard the cache
Finally: As with most such books, the “short story” at the beginning of each chapter is better to be skipped…